Haldon Station Awards
Our vision and reputation at Haldon Station is to successfully breed top quality livestock which are capable not only of surviving but thriving within the harsh environment of the high country, while simultaneously enhancing the very condition of that environment.
We see ourselves not as owners, but as caretakers of this stunningly beautiful but fragile dry land environment.
Haldon Station has been honoured in receiving the following awards In recognition of our commitment to environmental values
Deer Industry New Zealand Environmental Award 2006
In their feedback report from the judging team this is what the judges had to say:
“In an area of environmental extremes the current management excels in rising to the multiple business and environmental challenges. Whether it is the forward planning and systems required to ensure there is a consistent feed supply, looking for innovative ways to manage the environmental pressures such as rock armouring of the border dyke channels, utilizing the rose hip briar, eradicating mustelids, and efficient water use. It is all done with a considered and experienced eye, which provides confidence in the results being achieved.”
This was the second visit for judges and it was pleasing to see the continued emphasis on environmental issues such as soil conservation and water management. The property was in a severe drought: yet still the stock presented was in good health and the use of water was enabling areas to be kept “green”.
The drought had resulted in a major shift in farm management for the last year and forcasted into the future as well. This situation was being managed carefully and calmly. There has been further areas fenced and planted with emphasis on indigenous re vegetating of areas near the large swamp. A sediment control process is in place with water going through a series a small dams before being re used for the irrigation system. The rock armouring of the border dyke channels is innovative, keeping sediment production from the deer to a minimum.
There is also continued implementation of other sustainable practices such as: use of pest plants (rose-hip, briar and hieracium) as feed for the stock, ferret control, high quality deer shed and development of land into high quality pastures.
Balance Farm Environment Award 2005
In 2005 Haldon Station was honored in receiving both the Supreme Award and the Water Efficiency Award at the prestigious Balance Farm Environment Awards. The awards recognize Haldon Stations commitment to environmental values and quality stock production, balanced farming practices, breeding stock for the environment and sustainable management are the keys to Haldon’s success.
The judges described Haldon Station as being a very fragile dry-land environment where soil and water conservation is critical. Haldon they said is being successfully farmed to protect and improve soil and water values and manage weeds and pests while returning a healthy profit.
For more information on the Balance Farm Environmental Awards, or the actual report on how the judges evaluated the property go to: www.ecan.govt.nz/bfea.html
Mackenzie Country farmer wins top deer award
Paddy Boyd, manager of Haldon Station in the Mackenzie Country, is the winner of the 2014 Deer Industry Award.
The announcement of the award at the annual Deer Conference in Methven on Wednesday was followed by a sustained standing ovation for a farmer who has been a behind-the-scenes industry leader from the 1970s to the present day.
The award citation listed Paddy’s involvement in numerous industry groups including quality assurance, the Cervena strategy, velveting standards, Tb eradication, genetic improvement and environmental standards.
“In the last three years he has been a driving force behind the deer industry’s productivity leadership group,” said lead judge, former DINZ chief executive Mark O’Connor.
“Paddy is a firm advocate for all products produced by the deer industry, as well as being an advocate for people. He has often been a voice for those farmers who prefer not to front at industry events, but are passionate deer farmers in their own right and whose views and wishes need to be understood.”
Under Mr Boyd’s management, Haldon Station has gone from being a pioneer of large-scale deer farming to become the public face of deer farming excellence. The 2000 deer fenced hectares of the 22,000-hectare station produce about half of the station’s gross farm income. This area is now being expanded.
In total, Paddy has worked on Haldon for 41 years, 38 of them as manager. The citation acknowledged the role played by Paddy’s wife Barbara in the success of the Haldon Station business, as well as the support of the Klisser family, under whose ownership Paddy has been manager for the last 29 years.
The Deer Industry Award is sponsored by the Deer Farmers Association, Porter Holdings and NZX Agri.